Unsettled Situation: 14 Unpaid Players and Staff Convene Urgent Meeting!

Players and support staff of South African Premiership club TS Galaxy held a meeting on Wednesday, to discuss the issue of unpaid salaries. Reports in local media had suggested that several club employees had not received their salaries for several weeks.

At the meeting, held at Sturrock Park after training, the club’s head coach Sead Ramovic and team manager, Njabulo Sukazi, were among those in attendance. Senior players Bernard Parker and Xola Mlambo offered suggestions on the way forward, including the idea that those in a position to assist should contribute money from their own pockets to help their teammates and other employees of the club.

According to sources, seven players and six members of the technical team have not been paid, including Vuyo Mere, Ebrahim Seedat, Masilake Phohlongo, Nkosikhona Radebe, Wensten van der Linde, Mike Sebelebele, Lebone Seema, Ncwadi Saki (video analyst), Phumzile Mathebula (masseur), Hloni Tekane (physical trainer), Phuphu Mohlaba (assistant coach), Linathi Mbini (physiotherapist) and Nkanyiso Cele (kit manager). However, goalkeeper trainer Greg Etafia has since been paid following a bereavement in his family.

Club president Tim Sukazi was not present at the meeting, and the players expressed their displeasure at his absence, as they had hoped to get answers to their queries.

The masseur (Mathebula) appeared to be the most affected employee, and was unable to contain his emotions as he left the meeting soon after the team manager began addressing those in attendance.

The Siya crew has attempted to contact the club’s management for comment, but has not received a response at the time of publishing.

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